For July (yes, I know I’m one day late- oops!) the debut novel I read was You & Me at the End of the World by Brianna Bourne. For those of you that are new, this year I’m doing the Debut a Month Challenge where each month I read and review a debut novel released that month.
You & Me at the End of the World is about two teens, Hannah and Leo, who have recently woken up to discover they are the only ones left in the city of Houston, and possibly even the world.
So what did I think?
I really ate this book right up. I finished it in one sitting (and yes I know if you read these blog posts it seems like I do that a lot, but I’m a fast reader, okay??). Bourne has a writing style that just sucks you in so easily. That, along with the short chapters that make you feel like you’re flying through the book, make this a good choice for slower or reluctant readers.
This is a more character driven book than plot driven, but the suspense of the mystery of where Hannah and Leo are and why leaves the reader suspensefully reading to the end. As for the characters, Hannah and Leo are relatable and riveting, and even the memories of the characters that aren’t a part of this empty world are vivid.
Overall, You & Me at the End of the World is a smashing debut that will be sure to delight anyone that wants to read something contemporary with a twist.