This week, I’m covering a book that hasn’t even come out yet. Yes, I got my hands on an ARC, so today we’re talking about THE SAVIOR’S SISTER by Jenna Moreci.
Before I get into it, I always try to avoid outright spoilers in my reviews, and this goes double since there’s no way most of you could have read TSS yet. That said, there are certain elements of TSS that spoil its companion novel THE SAVIOR’S CHAMPION. I’m going to try to avoid blatant spoilers, but if you haven’t read TSC, I highly recommend you do that now, before TSS and this review, and then come back after.
Okay? Let's go.

1. Leila
I have to start with my favorite stabby girl. Leila has grown up in what you could call not the best circumstances. Life is rough, survival can be brutal, but I love how even as Leila will do whatever it takes to survive, she’s still compassionate. She’s a magical holy queen of her people, and yet she still manages to be one of the most relatable leads of a story I’ve read in a while. I just want her to be happy, okay?
2. Tobias
We already knew Tobias was a stand up dude and a good guy from TSC, but seeing him from Leila’s eyes instead of his own is a totally new experience. I love the way TSS really shows you what a good fit Tobias is for Leila, and the extra knowledge we have of Tobias from TSC only makes it better.
3. Delphi
Delphi is one of Leila’s sisters, and her relationship with Leila feels very real. Delphi is Leila’s number two, her partner and crime and confidant. There are lots of things to love about Delphi, but one of my favorites is the way Delphi pushes and maneuvers to help Leila and Tobias get together.
4. Pippa
Pippa is the sweetest sister. She’s just so kind and friendly and eager to help, and she’s the kind of character you can’t help adoring, so it’s no wonder that she gets along with all of her sisters of the court.
5. The Timeline
TSS takes place during the same time frame as TSC. As such (and since both books are romances, about the same romance, only told from the two different participants) a fair amount of scenes are repeated between the stories. But even though the dialogue is the same, it’s fascinating to see how they fit together. Everything is to perfectly fit together that I look forward to doing a reread in the future of the two books at the same time.
6. Questions and Answers
Vague title I know. But one of the things I loved about TSS is that because of the way it fits in with TSC, there are plenty of moments when TSS seamlessly answers questions about TSC I didn’t even know I had. There are the big ones-what was this character or that character really up to-but what I really loved were the small things. Like where did those cards come from, what was so and so looking at in this conversation, etc. It was cool to see how well thought-out so much of this stuff was that I hadn’t even considered.
7. The Magic!
The Savior has a number of magical powers. I won’t spoil them all for you, but in addition to the one we’ve got a glimpse of, there are several more to explore. Some are more typical healing powers, but others are unique powers that I haven’t seen explored before in a story.
8. Vivid Side Characters
There are so many side characters that I just adore. (There are also many I loathe, but we’ll get to that.) In the palace, the servants, guards, and senators make up the colorful side ensemble. Even the ones that are only in a few scenes have a sense of real personality and life outside of the story.
9. Characters I Absolutely Love to Hate
Brontes and Cosima are the real you love to hate them characters, but even a few minor characters get in on it. The vitriol TSS manages to make me feel toward some of these characters is extreme. Apparently I’m not capable of feeling neutral for most of these characters -I either despise or adore them- but I’m not complaining. Brontes is the more obvious he is the Literal worst in every way type of villain, while Cosima leans more on the we all know a Cosima type of villain. These two types of villainy complement each other nicely and each of them is so hateable. You won’t understand how hateable they are until you read TSS for yourself.
10. The Romance
You had to know this was coming. The romance was already great from TSC, so the mold was already there, but what I loved most about the romance in TSS is that we now with Leila’s perspective you get to see how from everything Leila wants and needs and all the factors in her life, Tobias is exactly what she needs. In TSC you can see why Tobias wants Leila, now you get to see why Leila wants Tobias.
So that’s ten things I loved about Jenna Moreci’s THE SAVIOR’S SISTER. It comes out September 29th, and make sure to grab it when it does! You won’t regret it.